Comments on: Digital Transformation: Structuring digital marketing teams Digital Marketing > The Marketing Strategy Blog Fri, 29 Apr 2022 15:17:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Uday Sonthalia Tue, 10 May 2016 06:56:28 +0000 Digital marketing is the future for all business to spread their brand and popularity. A great insight of digital transformation and types of digital business structure is beautifully provided through this blog.

By: Dave Chaffey Mon, 29 Jun 2015 16:36:37 +0000 Hello Joe – thanks for your comment – I have passed your kind comments on to Annmarie.

Your point is interesting – I have spoken to digital directors who have said their plan is to make their role redundant – so need to update the diagrams – Absolutely can see what you’re suggesting here – it seems a natural move in a larger business that the central digital team will shrink through time as digital skills are disseminated more widely in marketing roles.

The ultimate is for that team to disappear, but more usually, in my experience there is a need for a “Centre of Excellence” team which sets strategies, priorities, roadmaps, follows the latest developments, sets strategy, manages the Martech platform or at least decisions with IT.

In your case this function must still exist within marketing.

By: Joe Friedlein Fri, 26 Jun 2015 09:23:44 +0000 Thank you for a really excellent post – there is no doubt that most businesses are struggling (to some extent) with digital transformation and getting the team right is an essential piece of that jigsaw.

There is another model where there is NO digital department or evangelist. That may sound mad, but we ultimately need to get to a stage where everyone is digital and it doesn’t need a separate department at all.

One of our clients made their entire digital team redundant a couple of years ago. My initial reaction was incredulous but I then found out that all the individuals were encouraged to apply for marketing roles and that the goal was simply to remove the silo and to ensure that ‘digital’ was in the dna of all their marketers. Visionary perhaps?

The reality is that the hybrid model will be the most successful in the short to medium term. Interestingly, the client I mentioned reverted back to having a (much smaller) digital excellence team to support the business.

Another massive challenge is finding and retaining the best digital talent. You can have the best team structure in the world, but you need quality individuals to fill those roles.
