Google Analytics has not only made it easier for data-driven marketers to work in compliance with GDPR, but has also introduced a new feature to improve sales and marketing integration

In an era where every marketer is aspiring to be “data-driven”, you, yes you, need to make sure that your marketing decisions are informed by well-rounded data. When we speak about data analytics, Google Analytics is first to make an appearance in any marketer’s mind. Yet another Google tool that has provided revolutionary changes, if we may call it that, in the process of digital data collection, insight and analytics. Google Analytics is widely used by marketers to generate better business results. Hence, Google is always looking for ways to improve this tool and add new, more relevant features to it. As you may know already, GDPR…

Your marketing's most valuable player: using attribution.

Imagine a typical customer journey for a business like TOMS, a shoe retailer that sells online. A user sees a sponsored Facebook post that was liked by a friend about TOMS, and clicks through to Tom's site, browses for a while, then leaves. Later on, the user sees a display ad from a TOMS retargeting campaign, and clicks through again, this time signing up for email alerts from the brand, but still not buying anything. Finally, the user receives an email from TOMS, clicks through, and starts to really think about buying the shoes. They leave it for a bit, and decide to buy, and they type the web address directly in the browser.   Who gets the credit for any revenue created? Well, that will depend on your attribution model. Attribution may sound complicated but in simple terms,…

Unsure about how to use Google Analytics? Need some guidance on how to navigate around it? Learn how to set-up a GA demo account

Jill Quick originally wrote this advisory for our blog in July 6th 2016 based on a briefing with Google. 

A while back Google launched a new string to their analytics learning bow. A fully functioning Google Analytics account that anyone with a Google account can access. This is a wonderful education tool for any marketer, or business owner, who wants a better understanding of how to use Google Analytics. One of the problems my clients and delegates face when I deliver training on Google Analytics is a real-life example. Something to play around with, learn from and use to back up your measurement plan to educate your team on the insights they could be getting and showing your boss what your time and budget is paying for, especially…

A guide to the benefits and setup of 3 essential Google Analytics features

Adding Google Analytics tracking code to a site is quick in most cases, but I find that many businesses leave it there and don't add more customisation to use some of the more advanced Google Analytics features. These features can give great advantages in understanding how users interact with your site, to support ideas for conversion optimisation. You may not consider these features advanced, but they are missing in many cases, so are advanced in this sense! The three customizations I will cover, which work best when considered together, are: Event tracking codes Goal setup A/B testing and content experiments

1. Event Tracking Codes

The power of event tracking codes is shown by the many user actions that you can monitor within your website. Event tracking codes can make your life easier since you can monitor all these micro-conversions that matter to your…