What’s the secret to a successful finance content marketing strategy? Find out with our 8 foolproof tips.

The finance world can be a tough place for a marketer. Creating inspiring finance content marketing that communicates your brand's messages, engages customers and keeps the compliance team happy is a tough nut to crack. But fear not - there is a way to tick each of those boxes, and it’s all about taking a planned content-led approach. [si_monthly_campaign_blog_cta_banner id=156844]

Finance content marketing for brands

We’ve found that telling stories delivers particularly brilliant results for finance brands. Combining crucial strategic vision with user-friendly design opens up big possibilities for creative, shareable and high-impact finance content marketing. Want to know how you can achieve this too? Take a look at our eight best-practice guiding principles when creating any kind of content marketing for a finance brand.

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1. Directly answer customers’ financial questions

Using search insight and research data to find…

Words aren’t enough, you need to step out of the box when it comes to engaging the audience

Do amazing marketing campaigns always come from huddling around a whiteboard as a team or working in isolation, or even worse staring at a screen for hours upon end - Agree or not? Definitely Not! I mean if this is the scenario, then how would every major social network, including Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter, make themselves better day in day out. You have to work on the go to come up with a fantastic idea. [si_guide_block id="85104" title="Download our Free Resource – Top 10 common content marketing mistakes" description="Our free content marketing mistakes guide reveals the most common mistakes, but more importantly, what to do about them. "/] If we talk about marketing in the earlier days, SEO was all about getting higher rankings by using all text, with no focus on visuals. This…

A step-by-step guide to creating infographics to boost online engagement

We’ve all heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”. With the rise and domination of visual-driven social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest, these words have never been more true. Increasingly, content creators are turning to easy-to-consume visual content like infographics to engage and inform audiences. For good reason, too - visual communication research suggests that images are more memorable than text and illustrations can aid understanding of text material, and studies on online behaviour reveal that posts on Facebook and Twitter featuring images produce much higher engagement than those without images. While the value of infographics in digital marketing is clear, working with a graphic designer to create custom infographics can be both time-consuming and expensive. Fortunately, there…

Written content and infographics offer a range of benefits for digital marketers, but which is best for conversion rate optimization?

While many may argue that written content cannot go head to head with infographics, its importance in conversion rate optimization (CRO) is enormous and cannot simply be substituted with any other form of content. Similarly, infographics also have a strategic place in digital marketing and present great prospects for CRO in 2019. In this article, we will discuss how certain content marketing practices and infographics play a role in optimizing your website’s conversion rate. [si_guide_block id="5651" title="Content marketing strategy guide" description="This guide shows you both how to develop a strategy to deploy content across all your online marketing and gives practical tips to make it happen."/]

Conveying your message

"You can’t sell anything if you can’t tell anything" - Beth Comstock Text content has the power to send your message in a diverse range of styles,…

Content isn't really king, it's the kingdom. It is made up of various pieces that combine to create something greater: an effective content marketing strategy

You’ve no doubt heard marketers proclaiming that “content is king,” but that’s a vague and misleading statement. Really, a content strategy is more like the kingdom because it’s made up of various individual pieces that combine to form something greater. There are many different facets to an effective content strategy, and — unbeknownst to many marketing departments — there’s isn’t just one type of content that rules them all. What content marketing ultimately boils down to is reaching your potential customers in a way that intrigues and engages them. Actually reaching them is the crucial first step, since you have to stand out from the crowd of 20 billion web pages that are viewed each month. With so much content competing for views, it’s up to you to…

What graphic design assets do you need for marketing campaigns and how do you make it easier to create them?

Making your marketing campaign run successfully can be a challenging task. However, following modern trends in advertising and applying the appropriate graphic design resources could help make it easier. To make a campaign successful, it is important to take into consideration various factors. You need to think about the different ways of presenting unique features of the product or service you want to sell. You should also not forget about offering and presenting special offers or discounts that will encourage customers to convert. [si_guide_block id="45342" title="Download our Business Resource – Online customer acquisition guide" description="This guide features a structured approach to creating an online acquisition plan by reviewing current performance; defining the right KPIs to control acquisition; creating a media and content engagement strategy; creating a zero-based budget model and reviewing attribution and…

Marketing your non-profit is essential to the success of your cause and luckily, the internet offers numerous possibilities – you just need to make the most of these opportunities

Non-profits and charities often have small budgets and few people to help with their marketing strategies. But without a good marketing strategy in place, how do you raise awareness of your cause? How do you attract more supporters and donors to help support your cause? Marketing your non-profit is essential to the success of your cause and luckily, the internet offers numerous possibilities – you just need to make the most of these opportunities. In this blog post, I’m going to share 3 effective strategies for non-profits and charities.

Advertise online…for free?

Google Ads can be extremely successful; they appear right at the top of search results so they’re the first result people see when doing a Google search. …

A headline can make or break your content

A good headline drives traffic, social media shares, and even helps (indirectly) generate leads. A bad headline, on the other hand, will get overlooked. There is too much amazing content being published every day and if you want to be able to compete with it, you not only need quality content that provides value, but also a headline that will make people want to click on your links, as well as share your articles with their own friends and followers. In this blog post, I’m going to show you how to write headlines that drive traffic.

Step 1: Use relevant keywords in your headlines

Keywords not only help with your search engine optimization (as those are the words people use to search for content like yours), but they also make it clear what your article is about. Even before you start writing a blog post or…

Chart of the Day: Almost half of content writers struggle to balance creativity with technical skill

47% of content writers say their biggest challenge is finding the balance between creativity and search optimization in their content. That’s the heart of this blog post, so that’s what it leads with – pulled straight from the pages of SEMrush and Content Marketing Institute’s research into the keys to content success, released in April. Content creation, from the writer’s point of view, is a constant struggle expounding the virtues of a product (its durability, value for money, luxury materials etc.), mimicking how people naturally speak, and what Google wants to see. Have you ever seen a movie and thought ‘that’s nice, by why is it called (blank)?’* That’s how Google looks at your content. Google doesn’t care about flowery introductions or that wonderful character-building moment you…

Chart of the Day: ‘Accurate and informative’ are most important aspects of online content

Everyone is always asking ‘what does good content look like?’ Turns out, people don’t mind what it looks like, so long as it’s accurate. A survey of over 1,000 adult consumers (for my money, the most knowledgeable of all consumers) from Adobe has shown that people put higher stock in the factual base of content than how it can be consumed, such as its simplicity or interactivity. There’s no doubt that videos and interactive landing pages can make your content memorable and shareable. They could even end up bagging your brand an awwward, being showcased as some of the internet’s most well-crafted content, but they won’t put you at the front of people’s minds when they want what has become the most valuable commodity of this century:…