87% of UK public wants stricter political ad regulations, Facebook bug removes political ads ahead of UK election, media prices are on the rise, Twitter announces new team to explore decentralized social media networks and YouTube updates its harassment policy

New research has revealed that the majority of the British public wants stricter rules around political advertising. Facebook's political ad transparency tools saw a failure a few days before the UK general election, removing a large number of political ads. Falling audiences are seeing media prices increases as more brands go digital. Twitter has announced that it is exploring a decentralized social media network model with the creation of a new independent team. YouTube has updated its harassment policy, introducing stricter rules and harsher punishments in a bid to make the platform a safer place. We've looked at all the details in our news roundup.

UK public wants stricter rules on political advertising

Following weeks of political…

Google's new data control features, Instagram launches 'Restrict', fewer women in executive marketing roles, Burger King under fire for tweet and Twitter testing 'Stream Tweets'

This week has seen Google announce a slew of new features designed for helping users better manage their privacy and data, all of which are now being rolled out. Instagram has launched its Restrict feature to help reduce the impact of negative comments and bullying on the platform as it continues to focus on user wellbeing. New research reveals that fewer women are now in executive roles in marketing and advertising companies. Burger King has come under fire by the ASA for a tweet that was deemed to be irresponsible and condoning anti-social behaviour. Twitter is reportedly testing a new feature to show tweets in real-time in users' feeds. We've got more info on all of these news stories below in this week's roundup.

Google launches new data control features

Google has…

UK desktop ad viewability improvements, Google's first-price auction rollout, Facebook's political ad policies changes, YouTube's inappropriate content removal update

This week has brought with it the news that the UK is seeing great rates of desktop ad viewability, with viewability reaching a record high in the second quarter of the year - great news for digital advertisers! In other advertising news, after months of testing, Google is set to start rolling out its new first-price auction rollout, which has reportedly had good results so far. Facebook is also making changes to ad policies, this time relating to political ads and those that tackle social issues. These changes are aimed to provide greater visibility over political advertising ahead of the 2020 US elections. Our final big news story is the week is that YouTube has provided an update on its efforts to remove inappropriate content from the platform, with thousands of hate speech videos being…

Twitter's new design, Amazon anti-competition investigation, UK digital tax plans, Facebook's scam ad tool, Instagram removes like count

This week has seen Twitter launch it's new design for desktop users, with the jury still being out on how it is being received. Amazon is set to face a probe to see if it is using third-party seller data unfairly. The UK government has announced that it will push ahead with a plan to tax tech giants more going forward. Facebook has responded to a lawsuit by introducing a new tool for reporting scam ads in the UK. Finally, Instagram is testing out the removal of it's like count in six new areas. Get more detail on all of these news stories below in our latest news roundup.

Twitter updates desktop site

Twitter has updated the look of its primary desktop website in a bid to improve personalization…

Consumers don't trust influencers, Facebook launches 3 new ad tools for small businesses, Amazon storing UK biometric data, Facebook relaxes cryptocurrency ad rules, Google's new consumer privacy plans, Facebook removes "dangerous users", digital ad revenues top $1bn, Facebook political ad warning and Singapore passes 'fake news' law.

This week has seen a number of big digital and marketing stories in the headlines. We've taken a look at some of the biggest, including new findings that show only 4% trust information shared by celebrity influencers, bloggers and vloggers. On top of this, Facebook has announced three new advertising tools that are aimed at helping small businesses make the most of the platform. There are also concerns being raised about a new Home Office contract that could see Amazon storing biometric information belonging to millions of people in the UK. Other Facebook news reveals that the platform is loosening its rules on advertising related to cryptocurrencies…

UK government setting stricter social media rules for children, Twitter addressing abusive content, UK marketing budgets increased at the start of year, Ryanair offers ad space on boarding passes and Amazon fake reviews giving search boost

There has been some interesting news this week, including the fact that the UK government is suggesting banning the 'like' button on social media for children in a bid to stop companies collecting their data. This is part of 16 new standards it is currently consulting on. Twitter is finally seeking to tackle abusive content head-on with changes to the platform meaning users have a bit more control. The UK has seen a rise in marketing budgets, with greater spend being reported in the first quarter of the year. This follows on from stagnant spend in the final quarter of last year. In an interesting move, Irish airline Ryanair is offering advertisers the chance to bid on space…

Singapore proposes a new law to stop fake news, Mark Zuckerberg calls on government internet regulation, Amazon stops aggressively marketing its own brands and the ASA uses tracking technology to assess ads aimed at children

This week has seen Singapore suggest a new law that could ultimately fine tech giants for failing to stop the spread of fake news. If passed, companies could be fined up to SGD$1 million for breaking the regulations. While Singapore's suggest law has met with criticism, Mark Zuckerberg is calling for more regulation when it comes to the internet. The Facebook founder wants governments to be more involved with updating current rules in four key areas. Amazon has stopped aggressively marketing its own products following complaints, opting for a softer approach to showcasing its own brand items on its platform. Finally, the ASA has used tracking technology for the first time to see what ads are being served to…

Facebook's latest outage affects billions, Google removed billions of ads in 2018, advertisers concerned over Brexit uncertainty, WHO calls for stricter junk food digital ad regulations, UK government seeks digital competition review and Facebook removes fake account network

This week saw Facebook's family apps get into trouble, leaving billions of people across the world unable to access accounts or upload content. Google has announced that it removed billions of "bad ads" in 2018, although figures were down on 2017. Advertisers have shared concerns about the possible effects of Brexit in the wake of continued uncertainty. WHO is seeking to protect children's health after its report found that more junk food advertising is now taking place online following the introduction of stricter regulations across traditional media. An independent review has led to the UK government to call on the CMA to look at competition in digital media. Finally, Facebook has removed a network of around 100 fake…

Millions are 5G-ready, Facebook disagrees with ACCC recommendations, YouTube will never be "100% safe" for brands, Facebook to improve messaging privacy and new interracial couple emojis announced

This week's news roundup sees concerns raised about privacy when 5G is rolled out, with the Information Commissioner's Office raising concerns about personal data on a faster network. Facebook has also responded to the ACCC's initial recommendations, disagreeing with the suggested extra regulations. Google has admitted that there is very little chance YouTube will ever be totally brand-safe, although it is making changes to its advertising program to try and protect brands' reputations. Mark Zuckerberg has announced controversial changes to messanger apps, with auto-encryption set to be rolled out. Finally, it has been announced that interracial couple emojis will be available this year following a petition by Tinder. Find out more about each of these stories below.  

Millions ready for 5G but is privacy an issue?

Up to 15 million UK…

YouTube stops ads on anti-vaxxer videos, Facebook to launch new premium ad service, consumer confidence still negative in face of uncertain Brexit, Oreo announces partnership with Game of Thrones, ACCC asks advertisers in Australia for feedback and TikTok fined for collecting children's data

Take a look at some of the news affecting marketers this week including YouTube's decision to stop adverts running on anti-vaccination videos and to update its 'Up Next' algorithm so these videos are not promoted. On top of this, Facebook has announced a new premium ad service, that allows advertisers to book in slots up to a year in advance. This week has also seen the latest Consumer Confidence Index from GfK get released, revealing that the uncertainty of Brexit is still taking its toll. In lighter news, it seems that Oreo is ready to play the Game of Thrones with its latest partnership, which could be the biggest partnership for…