Try these 8 new and trending customer-centric approaches to help you keep proving your value to leads and customers over email

Marketing trends forecasts should be resources marketers can consult to help them set strategic priorities for the coming year. But all too often they recycle the same old ideas or serve as thinly disguised showcases for vendor specialties. So let’s make this email marketing forecast more useful by focusing on one overarching development we see happening in the world of email marketing and the supporting events that make it a significant development. For my part, I expect that email experience will be the defining trend for 2024 – the increasing focus on improving our customers’ experiences with our brands, products, services, representatives, and messages. Many of the more specific trends included in forecasts that are beginning to trickle in revolve around improving our customers' experiences of our emails. That includes everything from building…

Maximizing the potential of AI in email marketing with our human expertise

Picking a path through the ever-growing AI maze in email marketing is a challenge for today's digital marketers. While AI tools offer efficiency and support, relying solely on them risks producing mediocre results. In this blog I delve into the fascinating intersection of AI and email marketing, emphasizing the crucial role of human expertise in crafting engaging campaigns.  AI really helps, but your strategic thinking and long-term subscriber care remain vital to achieving email success. Let’s unlock the true potential of AI while maintaining the art and personal touch of effective email marketing.

How to use AI for marketing?

There is no doubt that using AI for email marketing will make the task more efficient. However, for all the same reasons that sending great emails is not easy, simply copying and pasting outputs is not the…

Our compilation of average email open rates and click-through rate data. What's a good open rate for email? Read the best email statistics sources to benchmark your email campaigns in your industry sector

When I run training workshops on Email marketing, Email marketers often ask "how do our campaigns compare"? They're looking for email statistics to compare subscriber engagement for average email open rate, clickthrough, delivery, unsubscribe and complaints rates, ideally within their sector. That's what we cover in this regularly updated compilation of the best email marketing response statistics for different sectors and countries. Fortunately, there are a number of good options to benchmark email response across different sectors. The best stats sources are compilations by email marketing service providers who produce statistics across their clients' campaigns. We have grouped the stats into the top eight questions asked including: What are the email engagement rates by industry? What are…

A comprehensive checklist for auditing different customer data types in a CRM or Email marketing system

In today’s world of ever-increasing data availability, volume and variety the challenge to know which data is valuable to you is a key step in starting to build a marketing solution. An often-cited response is that ‘all data is important’ and this may be true, but to help decide which elements are critical in the initial stages of building your solution a method to identify at the value of each type of customer data is key. In this post, I will look at how to audit customer data based on its type and value.  The examples will show why it's important to be selective when reviewing customer data in CRM and Email marketing. Over numerous implementations of Marketing Database solutions, I have seen many types…

Discover the latest trends and innovations in customer relationship management to truly integrate your financial services CRM marketing

From account opening, saving money, investing, to foreign currency exchange, financial services marketing leaders are looking to create a user-centric digital environment to respond to users’ expectations. Financial services CRM today means providing customers with more innovative and complete financial services with partners from different industries, including telecom companies, FinTech start-ups, and insurance companies. Financial services companies have often perceived the strength of digital purely as an acquisition channel. As customer relationships have become more complex, the growth of new distribution channels has increased combined with the exponential growth of new technology means financial services CRM marketing is more important than ever, for both customer acquisition and retention and lifetime value. Larger financial brands also understand as their historic dominance is continually being squeezed by startups such as FinTechs focusing on retention can drive up…

Exploring the latest medical landing page conversion rates to inform your pharma or healthcare marketing strategy

'What does good look like?' 'How do we compare?' and 'How do we get there?' are common questions when healthcare marketing strategy is concerned. With so much competition in healthcare marketing today, you need to benchmark yourself against the key metrics within your industry. But, good benchmarking is only as useful as your marketing strategy allows it to be. Are you confident that you're applying a data-driven strategy? Are you happy with the metrics in place to inform your digital marketing optimization? We'll delve into some recommended resources and marketing tools to help you implement your benchmarking learning and increase your healthcare customer conversion and retention.

Conversion rate benchmarking for your healthcare marketing strategy

It's useful to have conversion statistics to compare your conversion rates against if you're serious about conversion rate optimization (CRO). And with the resources and…

Industry experts explore the email marketing trends set to impact your strategy in 2021 and consider how COVID-19 has permanently and positively changed email marketing 

In 2020, email marketing trends, like so many parts of our work and personal lives, had to undergo a rapid transformation.

As the pandemic continues to lead to wide-ranging changes to the way consumers perceive brands and consider purchases, email marketers have adapted in many innovative and inspiring ways heading into the new year.

In this blog, five of the brightest minds from the world of email marketing provide their key trends for 2021. With email continuing to play a vital role in nurturing, acquiring and retaining customers, it’s time to explore the opportunities that lie ahead.

Email marketing through the K-shaped COVID-19 recovery

As we head into 2021, COVID-19 continues to impact marketing strategies and budgets within…

Personalized marketing, as we know from our experiences as brand-lovers and as marketers, is the make or break of any e-commerce marketing strategy in a competitive environment

Personalized marketing is all about offering improved user experience (UX) by serving relevant content, or targeting key messages in the funnel, based on your customer’s e-commerce activities and behaviour. Personalized marketing unlocks tactics for retailers to form personal relationships with their customers during their online experience (CX), to nurture leads and drive more sales from digital marketing. According to SmarterHQ, 72% of consumers say they now only engage with marketing messages that are personalized and tailored to their interests. And with competition at an all-time high, value added by personalized marketing is exactly the tactic your retail/e-commerce marketing strategy needs. [si_monthly_campaign_blog_cta_banner id=156146] Despite this, customer security and privacy concerns are at their peak. A McKinsey 2020 consumer-data report…

Recapture the attention - and transactions - of your e-commerce cart abandoners with effective email marketing sequences

Every hour of every day thousands of e-commerce website visitors add items to their shopping carts, then quietly leave without purchasing anything. Even more surprising, most website owners don’t follow up with these visitors in any way. This lack of follow-up represents millions of dollars of lost revenue, not just from the current purchase, but from additional purchases these shoppers would end up making over time. It is therefore essential, for an E-commerce website to engage these visitors with effective email marketing sequences to help maximize revenue opportunities. True, some of these cart abandoners were ‘just browsing’ or otherwise had no immediate intent to buy, but others were on the cusp of converting and something wasn’t quite right. In this post, I’ll describe how to recapture the attention - and transactions - of…

What email marketing opportunities do you miss in your transactional emails?

There’s no question that email marketing is one of the key opportunities for almost any marketing team. When thinking about it, newsletters and other promotional emails are usually the first to come to mind. Few marketing teams give serious attention to transactional emails. Very often, these are even out of their jurisdiction. Set up by development or customer-facing teams, these emails serve their key purpose in a better or a worse way. The marketing opportunities behind these messages are often overlooked though. Throughout this article, we’ll give you plenty of reasons why it shouldn’t happen. You’ll learn how to maximize the potential of your transactional emails and which common mistakes you should avoid. Apply these learnings to your emails and you’re likely to see promising results in no time.

What are transactional emails?

First of all, let’s get some definitions of the list. …