Comments on: 9 real-world strategies to grow an email list Digital Marketing > The Marketing Strategy Blog Tue, 20 Dec 2022 08:39:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jordie van Rijn Fri, 17 Aug 2012 08:53:00 +0000 Very nice blog Tim, i love the practical real life example. Makes it come alive
Too bad I cant sing 🙂

For Lucky voice though, the mix of paid versus organic and investment per tactic is probably big factor and buying intent as well when looking what tactics to invest more in.

By: LocalPages Mon, 13 Aug 2012 18:42:00 +0000 “Incentivising the home page sign-up, increased sign-ups by 92%” –Wow, I knew incentives were effective, but 92% definitely off-the-charts. Congrats on your success!

By: Rechenda Smith Mon, 13 Aug 2012 15:07:00 +0000 In reply to Dave Chaffey.

I know, pretty unbelievable – we’ve tried sending out a sign-up link to attendees post event but to not much avail.

By: Dave Chaffey Mon, 13 Aug 2012 14:58:00 +0000 In reply to Rechenda Smith.

Hi Rechenda,

Thanks for this – offline techniques still effective then! I find the same myself – in a training class the vast majority will signup if you explain the benefits whereas if you simply say “visit our site” to signup, you get far fewer.

By: Rechenda Smith Mon, 13 Aug 2012 14:53:00 +0000 We actually get our largest sign-ups from events – we speak regularly at our own roadshows, at Chartered Institute of Marketing events and similar. Half way through I always circulate a clipboard and ask people who have been inspired by our pearls and want more education to add their emails. Works a treat every time, usually between 40 and 80 sign-ups in one go. For the B2B/service industry it works SO well.

By: Thought Reach Mon, 13 Aug 2012 13:04:00 +0000 These are excellent reminders to some things that should be thought of as basics like make sure your Twitter handle is on your blog posts.
