Comments on: What do people really do when they get a marketing email? Digital Marketing > The Marketing Strategy Blog Tue, 06 Nov 2012 17:33:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: boyd butler Thu, 01 Nov 2012 10:24:00 +0000 Great concept of “the nudge effect”. Something that is probably understated. Comparing spikes is a good point. For example, sending an email often results in offline action. You see the email. You click. You then call. How to track back this call to the original nudge email? Personally I like the Admeter solution of dynamic numbers.

You summary can also apply to nudge effect of offline marketing e.g. advertising in a local paper, gives a nudge effect that may be followed up by a prospect emailing in about some info. Attaching tracking email addresses to newspaper ads can then track that back to the offline nudge.

Tracking back to the nudge effect gives you true return on marketing investment but so few people do it. As for those shirt sellers…yes they keep on getting my wife to buy their shirts so they are definitely doing the right thing.

By: sealeyd Wed, 31 Oct 2012 14:52:00 +0000 A great reminder of the need to have a CRM that is integrated with retail systems.

Charles Tyrwhitt do this. Although I receive their emails, I still choose to buy in store. At the till point they confirm my postcode and house number to connect my store purchases with my centralised contact record.

Good research and a great write up.

David Sealey

By: Dave Chaffey Mon, 29 Oct 2012 15:51:00 +0000 In reply to Simon Thomas.

Thanks for your comment Simon! All the best for tracking the offline benefits.

By: Simon Thomas Mon, 29 Oct 2012 15:21:00 +0000 That’s really interesting. It’s always good to think differently about these things. I use email extensively and I can see that there is no, or very little, delayed action for me, though. People opening after the first 24 hours are not of higher quality (fewer resulting actions, goal completions etc). I’m sure there’s something in “the nudge effect.” Although the article linked to is not quite convincing, I’m sure there’s at least a subliminal effect in an unopened email. Most of my customers don’t buy online and there’s undoubtedly offline benefits to my email campaigns, which I continue to try and measure.
