Comments on: The rise and rise of mobile email marketing Digital Marketing > The Marketing Strategy Blog Sun, 20 Nov 2011 09:27:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dave Chaffey Thu, 13 Oct 2011 06:15:28 +0000 Thanks for sharing your analysis Tim – yes slide 14 shows it too – surprising that your AM “content crush” peaks around 7AM GMT as desktops get switched on. Not sure how receptive folks will be to promotional emails then – response quite different since I suspect finger hovered over delete at that time especially.

Still shows opportunity for engaging early on in day for crossover desktop/mobile. It’s why I aim to send our enews around 8AM to suit both behaviours.

By: Tim Watson Wed, 12 Oct 2011 16:48:46 +0000 Dave, great post.
My experience is that still too few are including mobile device in briefing for emails. An even bigger challenge is ensuring landing pages and complete eCommerce processes work well on mobile devices. This requires a lot more work than the first step of designing email for mobile.

The graph in the post with traffic by time of day has the exact same trends as the drill down I did of email activity by time of day for mobile. Early morning peak on mobile, then transferring during the day to PC activity, followed by switch back to mobile early evening. See this slide (13)

By: Dave Chaffey Fri, 17 Jun 2011 11:06:55 +0000 In reply to Neil Insdorf.

Hi Neil – hope you’re well – yes it’s worldwide from a .au ISP, so don’t think it will have the local breakdown.

One of the best international ISPs for sharing this data locally is Epsilon – I used their France/Germany data in this post – I will ask around.


By: Neil Insdorf Fri, 17 Jun 2011 10:52:50 +0000 Great little report. Are those numbers for the UK, US, etc. I am just curious if you / your sponsors have other European data like France…?


By: Dave Chaffey Fri, 17 Jun 2011 09:14:29 +0000 An interesting instance of the change sent to us via Twitter – a big change for 9 months:

@mfrealdo :”Our website’s traffic generated by #email campaigns using a mobile device have grown from 3.8%(nov. 2010) to 12.5% (today)

Thanks for sharing!

By: Dave Chaffey Thu, 16 Jun 2011 16:16:39 +0000 Thank you for the additional guidance guys.

Mark – yes mobile email is BIG and will get bigger – but this data only shows Opens – have you ever seen aggregated or client data on the relative “Click-to-Open” rate or conversion rates for retail. I suspect these are a lot lower for mobile email suggesting other communications approaches are needed to encourage action.

Tim – useful to flag up the “responsive design” concept – Tim Watson also has some details/examples on this in the post I linked to at the top. I wonder how many new websites or email templates are briefed still without this being included.


By: Tim Leighton-Boyce Thu, 16 Jun 2011 15:47:57 +0000 The case for responsive design becomes more and more compelling. Time to stop designing for specific platforms and get serious about getting our messages across on whatever device our readers prefer to use.

By: Tim Leighton-Boyce Thu, 16 Jun 2011 14:35:01 +0000 Those charts certainly drive the point home.

One other point to add: don’t stop with ensuring that the emails themselves render well on mobile devices.

You need to check the destination of all the links in them. Do your landing pages also look good in mobile browsers? Some sites choose to redirect all mobile traffic to a mobile version of the site, of course. So the question then becomes whether the links redirect to pages containing the matching promotions. And so on.

This article is a very handy resource for pointing out just how important this subject is. Thanks!

By: Mark Brownlow Thu, 16 Jun 2011 14:34:08 +0000 As well as the “opens” data, we also know that email is the biggest online activity pursued by those on the mobile Internet (link). And 300 million smartphones sold last year (link). Mobile email is BIG!
