Comments on: Searching for the real value of Facebook marketing Digital Marketing > The Marketing Strategy Blog Mon, 20 Jul 2015 07:36:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andrew Lloyd Gordon Fri, 01 Nov 2013 09:04:00 +0000 A fascinating study Jon. And congratulates on both conducting it and being willing to share it publicly. A rare and noble action!

A few questions I have are…

1. You describe the ‘Facebook community’. I know this is a term that we throw around a lot in Social Media but do you think they see themselves as a ‘community’?

2. What’s the risk of a sampling error and, therefore, skewed results e.g. that people who entered the survey were already engaged customers and not, possibly, all that influenced by Facebook?

3. What impact on the replies would the incentive have on the results i.e. is there a risk that their responses are going to be more ‘positive’ and complete because people were hoping to get their reward?

Any thoughts (if you have time) would be welcome 🙂

By: David Coombes Fri, 25 Oct 2013 12:38:00 +0000 Really interesting and I read most of your points having been in exactly the same position – having the value of Facebook measured on direct sales, which was so frustrating. We approached it by asking if people felt more positively about the brand since becoming a fan and then establishing their average spend and where they spent it. We found that Facebook fans spent more but in wholesale channels than direct – that simple bit of research has made our lives so much easier! It’s also worth reading Google’s Zero Monet of Truth if you haven’t already.

By: Stephen Bateman DipM MCIM Thu, 24 Oct 2013 20:01:00 +0000 Fascinating case study Jon, thanks for sharing – learnings here for many community managers
