Our compilation of average email open rates and click-through rate data. What's a good open rate for email? Read the best email statistics sources to benchmark your email campaigns in your industry sector

When I run training workshops on Email marketing, Email marketers often ask "how do our campaigns compare"? They're looking for email statistics to compare subscriber engagement for average email open rate, clickthrough, delivery, unsubscribe and complaints rates, ideally within their sector. That's what we cover in this regularly updated compilation of the best email marketing response statistics for different sectors and countries. Fortunately, there are a number of good options to benchmark email response across different sectors. The best stats sources are compilations by email marketing service providers who produce statistics across their clients' campaigns. We have grouped the stats into the top eight questions asked including: What are the email engagement rates by industry? What are…

Recapture the attention - and transactions - of your e-commerce cart abandoners with effective email marketing sequences

Every hour of every day thousands of e-commerce website visitors add items to their shopping carts, then quietly leave without purchasing anything. Even more surprising, most website owners don’t follow up with these visitors in any way. This lack of follow-up represents millions of dollars of lost revenue, not just from the current purchase, but from additional purchases these shoppers would end up making over time. It is therefore essential, for an E-commerce website to engage these visitors with effective email marketing sequences to help maximize revenue opportunities. True, some of these cart abandoners were ‘just browsing’ or otherwise had no immediate intent to buy, but others were on the cusp of converting and something wasn’t quite right. In this post, I’ll describe how to recapture the attention - and transactions - of…

What email marketing opportunities do you miss in your transactional emails?

There’s no question that email marketing is one of the key opportunities for almost any marketing team. When thinking about it, newsletters and other promotional emails are usually the first to come to mind. Few marketing teams give serious attention to transactional emails. Very often, these are even out of their jurisdiction. Set up by development or customer-facing teams, these emails serve their key purpose in a better or a worse way. The marketing opportunities behind these messages are often overlooked though. Throughout this article, we’ll give you plenty of reasons why it shouldn’t happen. You’ll learn how to maximize the potential of your transactional emails and which common mistakes you should avoid. Apply these learnings to your emails and you’re likely to see promising results in no time.

What are transactional emails?

First of all, let’s get some definitions of the list. …

Chart of the week: Discounts, receipts and advanced notice of products/sales are the top performers for email content according to customers, but marketers are not following suit in their email comms

The Data & Marketing Association (DMA) published its Marketer Email Tracker 2020 last week. Combining insights by marketers and customers alike, the report explores email’s multi-faceted role in communicating with consumers across all stages of the customer lifecycle – not just as a transactional channel, but one that can be used to inform and build long-lasting relationships.

Email is customers' top pick of the channels

Research by DMA found that email topped every channel when customers were asked their preference for receiving information, including appointments/reminders, customer service, new products, and tutorials. In this report, email outperformed all other channels listed below: Messenger Post Text Face-to-face Online Phone Social media Email This news is music to email marketers' ears, since this…

Insights from the Data & Marketing Association’s head of insight, Tim Bond, reveals email attitudes and behaviours among demographics over 45 years old

The technological world that we live and work in continues to evolve, seemingly offering new ways to engage customers at every turn. But this excitement over what’s new should not distract marketers from the central channel that still resonates with consumers.

Whether they’re considering a purchase, have just made one or need some help, these latest figures highlight email’s ability to help brands engage across the customer journey.

The DMA’s ‘Consumer Email Tracker 2020’ research revealed that email remains a core channel to attract and engage customers throughout the entire customer journey.

It remains the preferred channel for consumers from pre- to post-purchase and for customer service enquiries.

This is in spite of findings from the DMA’s ‘Customer…

Chart of the Week: 45% of marketers say increasing engagement is the biggest challenge for email strategies and yet this isn’t a primary goal to work toward.

Email marketing has long been a tactic that delivers high ROI, which means there are a lot more marketers and brands utilizing email to engage, convert and retain customers. However, the increase in use means that inboxes have never been so crowded and, as a result, it is getting harder to stand out. Despite the struggle to get opens and clicks becoming very real, marketers still need to deliver tangible results – especially as email has historically performed so well. Email effectiveness may be dwindling but optimizing your strategy ca still ensure you see improvements. [si_blog_banner_cta] However, the question then becomes how you can improve the effectiveness of your email marketing. After all, sticking with the same strategy isn’t going to see things go well during 2020…

Marketing AI implies the art and science of personalized marketing in an age where creativity and simple data collection are not enough to drive your business forward

Not long ago, the marketing process was seen as a human endeavor perfected through several cases of trial and error. The idea of automation streamlining the marketing process looked like science fiction. But with the dawn of the Digital Age, new technologies are transforming the marketing landscape. One such technology is Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Introducing artificial intelligence

The first breakthrough of AI was in 2016 with the introduction of machine learning. It is basically the next logical step in computing: A program that can figure out things for itself. In other words, it is a program that can reprogram itself. [si_guide_block id="87369" title="Download our Premium Resource – AI and machine learning for marketing" description="The guide aims to help businesses of all sizes to apply to their marketing, focusing…

Chart of the Week: Only 57% of personal emails are now being opened by recipients and just 37% are viewed as being useful

People are now spending less time checking their emails, according to research from Adobe. Personal emails have seen the biggest drop since 2016, in terms of minutes spent checking them, following a small increase in 2018. When it comes to business emails, while they are checked less than in 2016, they have seen an increase in minutes being spent looking at them compared to 2017 and 2018.

Personal versus work emails

In terms of open rates, people are a lot more likely to open work emails than personal emails. Around 80% of work emails are opened on average, with 59% of work emails being deemed useful by recipients. In fact, people spent three hours or…

Should you sneak marketing into your newsletter?

Email marketing is an oldie but goodie. It ties in second place as the second-most popular marketing method in the United States. [caption id="attachment_144816" align="alignnone" width="640"] [Image Source][/caption]It’s popular because it works. As long as you can get your message to the right person, and you can convince them to open it, you’re golden. Of course, getting the message to the recipient has become more difficult over the last few years.

Why it’s getting harder to get your email through

The use of AI in email scanning services has made it a lot harder to get marketing emails through. In fact, they’ve become so effective that we’ve seen a drop in the overall percentage of spam emails. In 2012, 69%…

Email localization goes beyond content translation. Here’s how you can build customer trust and engagement in countries other than your own, using email localization

Contrary to popular belief, email marketing is not dead. In fact, there are over 280 million emails being sent on a daily basis, meaning emails are an international phenomenon. Today, most companies have a global database of recipients, which allows them to promote their services to a larger platform, helping to boost their sales. Unfortunately, only 19.36% of retail emails are ever opened, which is significantly below average when compared to other types of emails that achieve an open rate of 26%. Why is this? [si_guide_block id="37073" title="Download our Premium Resource – Email and Marketing Automation playbook" description="By reading this playbook and assessing your performance across 20 key activities, you'll be able to identify potential areas of improvement and put a strategy together to…