Thanks to Google and its various projects during 2018, we have a whole list of things that can help improve and elevate the status of your e-commerce brand

The relentless growth in the sector of digital marketing and business in the form of e-commerce has vastly affected the process of website design and development. In the world of e-commerce, the development of a platform is user-specific and depends on the latest advancement in the domain of online shopping. To deliver an extraordinary and up-to-date experience to customers, web architects need to keep check the e-commerce website design every now and then and change it accordingly. [si_guide_block id="22067" title="Download our Premium Resource – Website design and build briefing template" description="We’ve created this template to help client-side digital marketing and Ecommerce managers brief a website design and build project to either an in-house team or to a digital/web design partner."/] Thanks to Google and its various…

Chart of the Day: Which resolutions of web browsers should you target when testing new website designs?

If you have ten people in a room together, chances are high that most of them will have different device types that use a different browser and have a different screen size. This is why it is important to be aware of screen resolutions and the devices your prospects and customers are using. The quality of experience you deliver through your website can vary greatly depending on how well your design works at different resolutions. Due to the countless resolutions that exist across the same screen size, designers use viewports to help create mobile-friendly pages. Viewports are scaled down versions of resolutions that allow sites to be viewed more consistently across different devices.

The tables below show the most popular screen resolutions and viewports for both Apple and Android products:

These are what some of the biggest websites looked like 20 years ago and you won't believe it...

Since the World Wide Web was invented in 1990 designers and web developers have been constantly working to improve its original clunky basic text design into a simple, fast and eye-catching user experience. Check out some of these amazing web design transformations from the past 20 years!

1. Smart Insights

Smart Insights is only 8 years old, but we wanted to highlight the design transformations we've gone through. The site originally started as a blog as seen on the home page in 2010. It's evolved into a marketing publisher - keeping its roots in content, but now offering premium services and elearning for members.




2. YouTube


Standing out online is not a question of quick fixes. It’s a question of mindset

Web design sits at the core of a site’s success. It communicates the substance of what you do and why anyone should care. Peel back the veneer of a lot of sites and you’ll be surprised by how many fail to do either. More people are online than ever. Standing out online is not a question of quick fixes. It’s a question of mindset. There are now nearly 200 million active websites, and over 3.5 billion internet users. Yet the average user visits less than 100 sites each month. That all adds up to a lot of competition. The internet is busy on a level we can barely conceive, and only so many sites can rise above the bustle and have their voices heard. Modern resources mean just about anyone can make a website, which is great.…

Graphic design is one of the most important components of any successful marketing campaign

The right design does everything from establishing credibility with the audience to strengthening brand messaging, and using the right combination of design elements - like color, typography, and layout - can mean the difference between a marketing campaign converting like crazy or completely falling flat. While there are some evergreen design rules that you’ll always want to follow, for the most part, graphic design is a constantly evolving medium. What worked yesterday might not work today, and if you want to drive maximum results with your marketing campaigns, you need to stay on top of the trends and keep your finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the world of graphic design. Which brings us to the question: which graphic design trends should you follow in 2018 to knock your marketing campaigns out of the park? [si_guide_block…

Which of these design elements are you using to enhance your web experience and conversion?

If you're launching a new site or refreshing an existing site it's important to ensure your site looks contemporary and appealing. Since website design styles and technologies change so rapidly, can quickly appear dated. A site that meets your business goals, communicates your key messages and provides a great experience is most important as explained in the Smart Insights guide to improving results from your website. But to design a successful web site, it is also essential to know what trends are emerging and what elements are important to consider. Surely, different web pages are created for different purposes, so they will not, probably, have much in common. However, there will be certain generally used elements that can be added to a webpage to make it more successful. Here is a checklist of features to consider.

1.Sizeable and…

The best Christmas Website designs and landing pages of 2017

Christmas time is upon us and if you’re a retailer, then I’m willing to bet that you have put up some Christmas decorations somewhere. If you have a brick-and-mortar shop, then you might have a tree up with some presents underneath. After all, you’re in the Christmas spirit and you want your shoppers to be in a jolly mood while browsing around your shop. Your website should be no different! Getting your browsers into the Christmas spirit is essential, after all, the more festive they are the happier they are, and the happier they are the more likely they are to purchase your products.

[si_guide_block id="22141" title="Download Business Resource – Web design project plan template " description="Ensure you plan the key marketing activities for your new site project."/]

There are lots of strategies out there for you to use this Christmas to motivate…

6 examples showing the power of parallax-based designs to engage and impress at the same time

Parallax scrolling is undoubtedly one of the most popular recent web design trends that first surfaced several years ago and is still common on certain types of site. Parallax gives a visual effect to add a feeling of depth to the visual presentation of content or projects. Parallax is the effect that we can come around on a daily basis. Just pay attention to the way everything moves around while driving a car. The clouds in the sky appear to move at a slower pace than the houses and trees in the foreground. That is how the technique is achieved in the natural environment. Have you ever thought about this? Impressive, right? However, that's not the point of this article. Since all of us are involved in online marketing and web design, let's find out how to use the parallax scrolling effect…

Have you thought of these 4 elements for your business website?

The internet has precipitated sweeping changes across cultures and redefined how we socialize, communicate, learn and most importantly, how we do business. With the number of people accessing the internet on a daily basis ever increasing, the need for any business to have an online presence has never been greater. If you are in the process of setting up a website for your business, there are several factors that you should mull over. Here are a few to get you started.

Domain Name

Choosing a domain name may seem straightforward but it can be more complicated than you realize.  Millions of domain name have already been registered and there is every chance that the name of your choice name is on that list. If it’s taken, you may have to adjust it to avoid confusion and potential lawsuits. As you do this,…

Thinking about changing your WordPress site design? Here is what you need to know

There’s a reason why certain brands revamp their image, and some have done so successfully. There are different factors that usher in the change, but much of it is done for improved positioning to better appeal to their target audience. They want to reestablish their position in the market and re-engage those who have slipped through their fingers. By refreshing their public image while staying true to their core principles, brands can get a second lease at life in a very competitive market. The same can be said for WordPress site owners looking to improve their website design to appeal to their audiences. Due to the volatile nature of online marketing, there is more cause for site owners to need to re-design their site. Regular search algorithm changes require everyone make tweaks to their sites so they don't…