E-commerce conversion rate and lead generation landing page stats for desktop and mobile devices for benchmarking averages across different industries

As you will know, conversion rates are often used as a KPI to review the effectiveness of e-commerce sites. Naturally, all site managers and owners want to know the benchmarks - "how do our conversion rates compare?". As consumer and business confidence falls, it's more important than ever to audit and optimize your marketing success metrics. In this post, I have compiled different free industry sources focusing on retail e-commerce conversion. At the end of this article, we also feature an analysis of landing page lead generation conversion rates by industry sector towards the end of the post. We keep this compilation updated as new conversion data is published in 2023.

E-commerce conversion funnel

This funnel-based view of the conversion process is a useful starting point since as well as the typical average basket…

Webinars are great for generating quality leads, building trust with an audience, reaching more people, and converting more leads into customers

In an increasingly competitive market where consumers get hit with content from all sides, webinars allow you to offer them more value than other, more traditional forms of online content (blog posts, infographics, etc.). According to research from the Content Marketing Institute, 43% of B2B marketers use webinars platforms, and 55% use webinars as a key content distribution vehicle. Ascend2, meanwhile, has found that webinars are the second most effective type of gated content resource for lead capture purposes, trumped only by download offers, and Demand Gen Report has found that along with research reports and emails, webinars are the most effective tactics for lead nurture.

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Leads are often hailed as the lifeblood of a business – and while not everyone will agree with that statement, leads are extremely important to the success and growth of your business

There are all kinds of lead generation activities, such as email marketing and social media marketing, but one of the top sources of leads is content marketing – especially, blogging. In this blog post, I’m going to talk about the reasons why blogging is one of the best lead generation tools for businesses – and if you’re convinced, make sure to check out the Quick Win here to learn all about how exactly you can use blogging for lead generation. [si_quick_block id="125491" title="Blogging for B2B lead generation" description="Check out this Quick Win here to learn about all of the different ways that you can use blogging to generate leads, grow your business in the process, and find…

Chart of the Week: Pandemic hits high-ticket air travel and cruises, alongside small pleasures such as eating out, as marketers reassess what constitutes value for customers right now and how digital marketing can help

Charts from Market Insider paint a grim picture of life for marketers in the travel industry as airline and cruise numbers plummet

The biggest cruise names in the pandemic are, of course, Princess Cruises' The Diamond Princess Yokohama (with 700 passengers infected and eight deaths) and the Grand Princess (now in day 14 of quarantine in San Francisco). Analysts at Goldman Sachs are comparing the pandemic to similar scale events such as the 2001 recession, the 2008 financial crisis, and, the Costa Concordia disaster of 2012 (another cruise ship disaster, where 33 passengers died off the coast of Italy).

"Averaging the moves made after such events, cruise prices dipped by 6.3% and took roughly…

LinkedIn has been quietly building a strong presence and reputation within the professional community making it a great social media opportunity

When we think of social media, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are probably the first platforms that come to mind. After all, these are the major platforms leading the way and generating headlines (although not always for the right reasons). [si_blog_banner_cta] However, LinkedIn has been quietly building a strong presence and reputation within the professional community. Over the last 15 years, LinkedIn has grown rapidly to create a network of over 560 million professionals worldwide, with 23 million in the UK. LinkedIn’s stated mission is to "connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful". This clear and relentless focus on the professional sector has enabled them to develop a powerful B2B proposition. Whilst personal social networks are about spending time, professional networks are geared around investing time: …

How do you maximize lead acquisition from your budget? Through budget planning.

Capturing leads is an important milestone in your quest to acquire more customers. As a result, it makes sense if you aim to capture as many leads as possible from your website traffic. Unfortunately, generating leads is a big challenge for most businesses. According to the State of Inbound 2018 Report, 61% of marketers believe their top marketing challenge is generating traffic and leads. However, businesses continue to invest more money into lead generation. For instance, 53% of marketers allocate more than half of their budget to lead generation. Consequently, businesses expect to acquire more leads. How do you maximize lead acquisition from your budget? Through budget planning. In this blog post, you'll learn seven vital tips to help you plan your lead acquisition budget. [si_blog_banner_cta]

1. Set…

Qualified leads are your lifeblood, so here are three ways to capture more leads on your mobile landing pages

Qualified leads - in the form of emails you have captured and nurtured enough to effectively sell to - are the lifeblood of your business. Whatever your current traffic level reality, you need to capture more of these emails. What you need to do leading up to your email forms is key, because it’s these copywriting, form presentations and calls to action (CTAs) that will grab your visitors’ attention and get them to take the next step. Better yet, you’ll be distancing yourself from competitors who don’t yet understand and apply these fundamentals. [si_guide_block id="125214" title="Download our Premium Resource – Mobile SEO guide" description="This guide will give you a through breakdown of everything you need to know about mobile SEO. It explains different ways to configure websites, important design principles to follow, and how to…

Statistics exploding the myths that mobile marketing is less important in B2B sectors

We have documented the ongoing growth of mobile adoption in our mobile statistics compilation. Yet most of our stats are based on consumer surveys and panels. It's rare for B2B specific data to be shown. Given this lack of insight, most businesses will turn to their analytics to assess the importance of visitors from smartphones. Looking at our own analytics, for Smart Insights it seems that mobile visits are relatively unimportant, with smartphones currently accounting for 19% of visitors, with an increase of around 8% increase year-on-year. Yet, one-fifth of all visits IS significant, especially since as you see with B2C organizations, our conversion rates are lower on smartphones, so lead generation is challenging on mobile.

The Boston Consulting Group research on mobile use in B2B

Given the lack of research on B2B mobile adoption, it was interesting to see this report looking…

How to know your audience and create the right content for them

We've all heard the phrase ‘the client is king’. In practice, this means that an important part of marketing is an exercise of empathy, which consists of finding out who our audience is, so we can give them what they want in a better way than our competition. This simple idea should also be the center of your efforts when it comes to increasing your leads. You should adjust to them, and to their buying process. You should give your prospects the answers they are looking for, when they’re looking for them, in an appropriate way to address the subject of their interest.

The Inbound Approach

But let’s start from the beginning. You may have heard the term “inbound marketing” before. If you haven't, it mainly consists of making leads…

Do you nurture your leads and know when they are 'qualified, sales ready' contacts?

Some interesting sales statistics to keep at the forefront of your mind when planning how to convert your leads. They could also help build your business case for investment and resources to manage your lead nurturing program. It can work both ways, in that you can miss out on sales by not responding to your 'sales ready leads' or provide irrelevant information at the wrong time to prospective buyers, which pushes them towards another brand. The key is covering all bases; defining your personas, sharing relevant personalised content, understanding how they search for information, knowing where they are in the sales funnel and efficient internal processes. For example, stats in the infographic from Orchestrate show by ensuring you have customer service SLAS can increase sales - 35% to 50% of customers buy from those who respond first! The…