Social media done well is your absolute best shot at getting even closer to the most important people for your business

By embracing today's social media trends, you'll open a direct line of communication with your everyday audiences, channeling both positive and negative feedback from your customers, colleagues, competitors, and other voices in your brand's social ecosystem. In fact, the public and connected nature of today's current trending social media techniques helps us shine an even brighter spotlight on our social media campaigns and always-on digital presence. It's like digital PR on speed. But it's no secret that consumers and advocates are becoming more aware, and demanding, in terms of their social experiences of our brands too. That's why it can help to turn to the upcoming 2024 social media trends to inform our strategies.

What do the current trends on social media mean for marketers in 2024?

At Smart Insights, we practice an integrated…

Our compilation of the latest social media statistics of consumer adoption and usage of social networking platforms

Social networks have transformed marketing and, as this post shows, their popularity is still growing in our latest global social media statistics research summary for 2023. Networks vary in popularity with different demographics and they're still evolving. Research by Global WebIndex that we reference in this article shows that globally, 60% of the world's population uses social media. The average daily usage is 2 hours and 24 minutes (April 2023). We'll keep this post updated during 2023 as the latest statistics are published drawing on our recommended top 10 digital marketing statistics sources. We'll be pointing to new data on the popularity of social media from Global Web Index (worldwide), Pew Internet Surveys (US) and OfCom (UK), and most recently the Datareportal April 2023 global overview. This post will apply the…

Our recommendations of the best global online marketing consumer adoption and marketing benchmark statistics

Online marketers love statistics about digital marketing. We do too since they enable us to use a more data-driven approach to inform our future investments. They allow us to review the growth in customer adoption of the latest digital platforms and technologies, make the business case for investment in marketing and allow us to benchmark our growth and performance against competitors. From reviewing thousands of stats sources over the years, I've found that there are a very small number of quality online marketing statistics sites and sources which are updated at least annually and have a representative sample size from different countries. Here we share our experience of ten of the best, most reliable free and paid sources we use to update our benchmarks. Everyone has their favourites, but I thought it would be…