4IR means manufacturers are using technology and digital marketing techniques to streamline their marketing strategy

We are living and working in the 4th industrial revolution where increased competition coupled with changing customer expectations translates into a renewed focus on digital marketing for manufacturers. To keep up, manufacturing businesses need to optimize their approach to digital to stand out and defend their market share.

How does the digital era influence marketing for manufacturing?

According to Mckinsey, the objective of the global digital transformations we are seeing in technology and manufacturing sectors is to support not only the performance-management reporting cycles that the top team needs in reevaluating strategy but also the agile problem-solving systems that frontline workers use to identify opportunities. Interestingly, a PwC 2020 survey of oil and gas executives reported that these manufacturing leaders see the most potential in technologies that combine data and analysis. Their number…

When an advertisement is specially curated for a specific audience segment based on their behaviors or needs, it is going to be more effective and incur a higher conversion rate

Just about every business is looking for better ways to connect with their customers. Customer engagement is the key to conversions and loyalty. According to one report by Super Office, businesses with higher engagement rates had an average retention rate of 89%. One of the best ways to capture your customer’s attention and build engagement is by connecting them with the content that matches their preferences. This is why targeted marketing campaigns work so well. When an advertisement is specially curated for a specific audience segment based on their behaviors or needs, it is going to be more effective and incur a higher conversion rate. [si_guide_block id="71497" title="Download our Free Resource – Google Analytics Fast…

Content marketing should explicitly be about promoting the right content to the right audience at the right time in order to achieve your marketing goals

Whether you're creating content from scratch or refurbishing existing content, your goal should be to engage and entice your target audience effectively on different platforms and, ultimately, prompt action. Your blog posts, videos, infographics, contests and ads all need to be perfectly aligned with the buyer’s journey. This means you need to understand the awareness, consideration and decision stages. [si_guide_block id="70710" title="Download our Premium Resource – Content marketing strategy e-learning course" description="Use our course to step through the analysis, planning and implementation activities which will take your content marketing to the next level."/] However, it’s quite difficult - if not entirely impossible - to do this without having a documented plan that covers effective distribution of your content. At the same time, your content marketing campaigns may end up…

How to start using advanced content analytics

Analytics, in general, is key to performance optimization. Getting accurate feedback on what is working and what not helps companies make improvements that will lead to better outcomes. And when content is the center of your business, Advanced Content Analytics becomes the center of your Big Data analytics. By now, most businesses have heard of the Advanced Analytics and how it can generate value from large amounts of warehouse and fresh data. But despite this, most marketers today are struggling to measure whether anyone is using their content, how often their content is used, how much their content engages customers, and most importantly – whether their content has any impact on sales. Advanced Content Analytics using today’s sophisticated tools and techniques can make it easier to measure the outcomes of your content.

What are analytics and what are their types?

According to RapidMiner, analytics is…