How to use Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) to develop marketing strategies

Today, the STP marketing model (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) is a familiar strategic approach in modern marketing. It is one of the most commonly applied marketing models in practice, with marketing leaders crediting it for efficient, streamlined communications practice. STP marketing focuses on commercial effectiveness, selecting the most valuable segments for a business and then developing a marketing mix and product positioning strategy for each segment. [si_guide_block id="95323" title="Free marketing plan template" description="Download for recommendations on how to structure different types of marketing plans including marketing plans, campaign plans and digital plans. Join Smart Insights as a Free Member to download our marketing plan template today"/] As Martech continues to develop, so do opportunities for segmentation, targeting, and positioning. So whether you're brand new to STP or a seasoned veteran, it can be useful to take stock and double-check you're utilizing…

Apple's iOS 14 platform update has certainly not been without controversy. Increased customer privacy has caused problems for mobile ad providers. What do the platform updates mean for your digital marketing strategy?

Released on 16 September 2020, Apple's iOS 14 constitutes a huge overhaul in mobile customer experience. And the biggest change is yet to come! The delayed new iOS 14 opt-in processes, penned in Forbes as 'Facebook and Google's worst nightmare', have been penciled in for January 2021. This will at least give ad suppliers more time to adjust to the changes - and it looks like they're in for a busy couple of months. We'll be discussing what these changes mean for your business below. Plus, we'll take a whistle-stop tour of some of the platform's new features and how marketers can delight customers on their iPhone.

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Retailers, restaurants and service providers:…

Marketers who are willing to take a hands-on approach can achieve dramatic results with personalized data strategies

Regardless of what your short- or long-term business goals are, an imperative part of achieving success is knowing who your prime audience and decision-makers are, and then identifying the best way to reach them.

Major advancements in technology and data analytics have certainly helped shed some light on who ideal audiences are and how to reach them in a specific, hyper-targeted way.

Natural air freshener brand Citrus Magic, which creates sprays and air freshening products free from harsh chemicals, had a few ambitious marketing goals:

Increase brand recognition and exposure Drive foot traffic Promote an in-store sales lift [caption id="attachment_152108" align="aligncenter" width="526"]…

Geofencing has been gaining popularity recently when it comes to local marketing, but what is it and how useful is it really?

If you’ve been working in digital marketing, and in local marketing especially, you’re bound to have come across one of the biggest buzzwords in the industry right now - geofencing. If you haven’t, then let’s just quickly give you an idea of what geofencing is and what it can do.

What is geofencing?

In a nutshell, geofencing is a software feature that allows you to send targeted ads to customers based on their location. The idea is this: you set up a virtual boundary (or a fence, if you will) around a certain region using GPS or RFID that allows the software to trigger ads when customers enter or…

When used effectively, Personalisation based on Geo-targeting can be a powerful way to increase your conversion rate

People arrive at your website from a variety of different locations. This means they will have different nationalities, languages, currencies, climates and even cultural expectations. Geographic targeting allows a website to render content that is personalized to the location of the visitor. In other words, it determines the exact locality of your visitor, and then dynamically tailors the content on your website to be more meaningful to that shopper. The benefits of this are immense. Below are just a few examples of how geo-targeting can improve the visitor experience for your Ecommerce site.

1. Display Products Relevant to the Local Climate and Culture

Altering the type of products displayed depending on where the customer is from is a technique widely used by many online retailers. For example, take a clothing store that delivers to customers in the USA. Because…

Marketers can better outreach their customers using location data

It's now commonplace for businesses to create mobile responsive websites and apps to offer similar functionality to a desktop website. But if your mobile experience are limited to features available on your desktop site you're missing out on the opportunity to deliver content in context. Customer location information can help businesses deliver a better and more relevant mobile experience and enable them to target the right audience for their services. In this article I'll look at some example for geo-targeting to provide more relevance. Source: Marketing campaigns follow a chosen strategy for targeting customers and the choice of location is important in determining the over-all success of the marketing campaign. As the location impacts demographics and buying behavior. A woolen apparel retailer who makes hundreds of sales in a day in a…

Best practice tips to give your landing pages better regional reach

The Internet has given us greater power than ever before to reach out to people wherever they are in the world. There’s one problem with that though – sometimes your core group of customers are located virtually on your doorstep, and unless you take steps to connect with these, much of your online marketing efforts may be going to waste.

Who needs regionalised landing pages?

If you’re selling a range of identical products through your website to people right across the country (or even the world) from a central warehouse or depot, you probably don’t need a regionalised landing page. But if your website is used as a means of promoting your bricks and mortar presence, or a service you provide in specific geographic areas, then regionalised landing pages should be…

What is Location Marketing and how to get started for free

In this post I take a look at the opportunity location marketing presents, provide some ideas on the types of campaigns you can send and show just how easy it I to get started.

Why Should you Care?

A recent report by Deloitte showed that mobile influenced 5.1% of in store sales in the US, accounting for $159bn in forecasted sales for the whole of 2012, way over the $12bn forecast for mCommerce. Radio Shack has noted that Foursquare users spend 350% more in store than non-users and a pet food brand in the US saw a 14% uplift in sales after using Foursquare to promote free dog food for every unique check-in. Additionally there are 200 million people sharing location on Facebook, Foursquare is adding 1 million users a month and the recent report by Jiwire shows that 62% of us are willing…