Consumer mobile usage and adoption. Use our mobile marketing statistics compilation to inform your digital marketing strategy and mobile user experience

"Mobile to overtake fixed Internet access by 2014" was the huge headline summarizing this bold 2008 mobile marketing prediction by Mary Meeker, an analyst at Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers when reviewing technology trends. That same year, Eric Schmidt of Google exhorted businesses to take a 'Mobile First' approach to designing web experiences, informed by customer-focused smartphone analytics. Our mobile marketing statistics compilation contains 15 years later, in 2023 understanding mobile engagement of online users is more vital than ever so digital markers can engage and influence their mobile audience. Today, the latest research from Statista shows that more than half of all web traffic is mobile. In this compilation, we'll share the best quality statistics on how consumers interact with brands…

Marketers can use qualitative analytics to investigate the real reasons for falling conversion rates

The problem with the analytics methods we use today is that they show you WHAT is happening on your website/ in your app, but not WHY it’s happening. That’s where qualitative analytics comes in. In addition to data that show trends in user acquisition and retention, qualitative allows you to delve deeper into the “why” of your conversion rates, giving you a front-row seat to see how your users behave by showing you video recordings of real user sessions.

Why more marketers are turning to qualitative analytics

Qualitative analytics is an analytics method that records users’ actions on your site/ in your app, providing a deeper look at user experiences and behaviors. This means that in addition to graphs and numerical data such as MAU/DAU, new sessions, and purchases. The…

Your customer's omnichannel digital experience is key to meeting your healthcare marketing goals. Your ability to prioritize determines how fast you'll get there

Naturally, user experience (UX or CX) applies to just about every marketing sector right now. But, where healthcare marketing comes into its own, is the sheer opportunity for data-driven personalization. Customer-focused healthcare marketing taps into the benefits of digital transformation for manufacturing, logistics, supply chain, healthcare agents, and the patients as end-users. Firstly, let's consider the digital disruption which puts consumers in a researcher's shoes, and making personal decisions about their healthcare, online: 47% research doctors online 38% research hospital and medical facilities online 77% book medical appointments online But how can marketers and managers anticipate and satisfy the needs of healthcare consumers demanding products and services on-demand? In this article, we will look into some elements of digital experience, including recommended resources from our Digital Experience…

Apple's iOS 14 platform update has certainly not been without controversy. Increased customer privacy has caused problems for mobile ad providers. What do the platform updates mean for your digital marketing strategy?

Released on 16 September 2020, Apple's iOS 14 constitutes a huge overhaul in mobile customer experience. And the biggest change is yet to come! The delayed new iOS 14 opt-in processes, penned in Forbes as 'Facebook and Google's worst nightmare', have been penciled in for January 2021. This will at least give ad suppliers more time to adjust to the changes - and it looks like they're in for a busy couple of months. We'll be discussing what these changes mean for your business below. Plus, we'll take a whistle-stop tour of some of the platform's new features and how marketers can delight customers on their iPhone.

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Retailers, restaurants and service providers:…

The best digital marketing research across marketing channels - including SEO, PPC, CRO, social, mobile, martech, email, e-commerce, and UX - to help inform your 2019 marketing strategy

Because the state of digital marketing is always evolving, it is important to keep up-to-date with the latest research in your industry or marketing channel in order to stay ahead of your competition. However, it can be difficult to find the digital marketing research you need to help inform your digital strategy. We first curated these stats in 2017, but during 2018 and 2019, we've been committed to updating this article using the best digital marketing research data sources, which the team at Smart Insights have found helpful and informative throughout the year. Hopefully, this will help you too! [si_blog_banner_cta]

SEO statistics 2019

Total site visits produced by organic search…

With desktops relegated strictly to the workplace, nearly every other online activity is accomplished with ease on mobile devices

When the average American spends over five hours glued to their smartphone every day, you know that it’s become their primary “screen”. That’s 2.5x time spent on mobile than desktops per month. With desktops relegated strictly to the workplace, nearly every other online activity is accomplished with ease on mobile devices. It all started innocuously enough, with mobile searches overtaking desktop searches on Google, way back in 2015. By October 2016, mobile traffic overtook desktop traffic worldwide for the first time ever with 51.3% of all traffic from mobile. That figure has been blown out of the water today, with a whopping 73% of online traffic now coming from mobile devices according to data collected from the network. [si_guide_block id="87688" title="Download…

With the significant penetration of smartphones today, it has become imperative for entrepreneurs to take advantage of mobile apps to further improve their businesses

Ever since the smartphone revolution began, a lot of opportunities have opened up that can help businesses to thrive. The combination of mobile apps and new age startups has the potential to change the rules when it comes to business. With the significant penetration of smartphones today, it has become imperative for entrepreneurs to take advantage of mobile apps to further improve their businesses and help their startups to grow. When starting a business, you must clearly describe your objectives and prioritize them straight away. Following this, you then simply have to work on four important touch points. which are also the main routes for achieving success in your business. Customer engagement Service…

Chart of the day: Research has found customer are twice as likely to recall ads, when they are exposed to those ads on multiple devices

Research by On Device found increased brand awareness, increased recall and increased "top of mind" awareness when the ad creatives were exposed to users across multiple devices. This is very positive for advertisers, as the increases when customers saw the ads across multiple devices are large, even if it's overall not surprising that seeing an ad multiple times increases awareness. The scale of the increase is higher than expected, specifically for brand awareness, going from 12% on a single device to 21% on multiple devices. The research has also found that ad fatigue is increasing in on-demand tv. Over two in five respondents said that seeing fewer ads on paid tv and on-demand services, compared to watching "normal" TV, encourages…

Marketing your restaurant is a mobile game.

The emergence of the smartphone has created a culture of connectivity. With 77% of U.S. adults population carrying around smartphones to stay connected, it makes sense that your restaurant follows suit with the big names to capitalize on this growing need to know. If you look around at what many restaurants are trying, you will see many innovative and forward-thinking strategies that are yielding some great success. Today there are a number of ready-made app solutions that provide access to many of these features being used by the big names. The rise of app builders now allows you to implement the same strategies used by large chains without all the necessary developer fees. You can easily borrow some of the thinking behind the success of these big brands and develop your own mobile strategy based on what's working. As a small business or even a string of…

Chart of the day: Mobile search and Mobile display have grown rapidly from 2015 to 2016 in Europe.

Mobile video rose more than 20% between 2015 and 2016, according to the Adex Benchmark from IAB and IAB Europe. The UK leads mobile ad growth compared with the rest of Europe. There is year on year growth of around 53% for mobile advertising. Mobile advertising revenue globally has hit $83 billion which is over 60% increase. Mobile display advertising grew by 52.9% to €5.4 billion in Europe, mobile search was up 52.9% amounting to €5.5 billion. Serbia, Romania and Turkey have seen the biggest mobile display advertising growth year-on-year. Source: IAB Adex Benchmark 2016 - published June 2017 Sample: Data provided by IHS Markit and ComScore Recommended…