Guides and Templates

Customer journey mapping template

Easily map out customer journeys to better understand buyer behaviour and quickly identify any snags in your digital experience

What is a customer journey map?

A customer journey map is a visual model that shows how your customers behave at each touchpoint. This technique, also known as “touchpoint mapping”, is aimed at reviewing how digital experiences and content support customer decision-making across a multi-channel journey.

How will this template help me and my business?

Using our template, you can begin to map out customer journeys for your key personas to help understand your buyers' behaviour.

Customer journey mapping can show you what areas of your marketing funnel are strong or need developing. You will be able to quickly identify any possible snags in your digital experience and possible barriers to sale for your business.

Within our template you'll find a range of editable 'maps' as well as B2B and B2C examples to help you get started.

Top tip: In order to accurately map a customer journey, it is helpful to have already established your customer personas. If you need help identifying the key personas for your business, we recommend downloading our Persona guide and template to help you get started.

Who is the template for?

This template was created for marketers at any level to easily create and review customer behaviour. It will be useful for anyone responsible for managing user experience through their marketing role, such as Marketing Managers or UX specialists who are looking to optimize the marketing funnel and improve conversion or retention.

How is this template structured?

Our customer journey mapping template uses the following structure:

  • What is a customer journey template?
  • Knowing your customer personas
  • Blank model persona template example
  • How do I create a customer journey map?
  • 1. Customer journey mapping with RACE
    • B2C example
    • Example explained: How to use RACE customer journey mapping template (inc. video)
    • Blank template
  • 2. Customer journey mapping with channel gap analysis
    • Channel gap analysis explanation and example
    • Blank template
    • CPG brand example
    • Customer lifecycle touchpoint review and B2B example

Resource Details

  • Author: Amelia Cooper, Head of Content
  • Format: PowerPoint presentation with editable templates – 16 pages
  • Related resources:

About the author

Amelia Cooper

Image of Amelia smiling

Amelia Cooper is Head of Content at Smart Insights. She is responsible for managing the paid member content library and e-learning resources, as well as strategic planning to ensure customers get the most from their memberships. She is a University of Southampton and the Chartered Institute of Marketing graduate with over 7 years’ experience in digital marketing, specializing in content marketing.

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